New update: Recurring subscription improvements and more …

There is a revolution fully underway in the behavior of consumers online. From SaaS apps to exercise bikes, from Amazon’s “Subscribe and Save” to streaming services and prepared meals, we seem to be in the middle of a shift when it comes to online business. In fact, research shows that the subscription market in SaaS companies have grown by over 100% a year over the past 5 years. In case you haven’t heard the news, recurring revenue is where it’s at.

Recurring subscription improvements


It is no surprise that the recurring subscription product option is one of the most popular features on the Smartjobboard platform. We have received a ton of great suggestions and feedback from you, our customers, on how to make the products easier and more effective to use.

In this update we implemented the most important enhancements for the recurring products:

  • Employers will now get an email notification when there is a failed recurring payment.
  • The email template for that can be found in: Appearance > Email Templates > Recurring Payment Failed.
  • Moreover, if there was failed payment, employers will have 5 days to update their payment details before their subscription is canceled.

By improving the user experience this update will increase the chances that the employer renews their subscription, after a failed payment.

Apply clicks report for employers

Another top request our team has continued to receive is the ability to pull reports on job seekers who are redirected to an employers job board. These reports are now available, which provides the opportunity for employers to contact candidates who clicked “apply”, but never complete the application.


  • For employers to see this list in My Account, go to:
    • My Account > Job postings section
    • In the Job postings section click on the number of seekers who selected “apply” to learn more about them and have the ability to contact them directly.

This update should help to prove the results that your job board delivers.

Improved job views tracking

The final thing we threw into this product update, is an improvement to the performance of tracking job views. These reports for job view performance have been improved for both admins and employers, by eliminating “bot visits” in our tracking.


We hope these updates continue to provide value to you, and your experience using SmartJobBoard.

Thank you for your support.


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