Admin Performance Reports & Employer Dashboard

Greetings, my old friends!

In this day and age, when the world is ever-changing space, and you cannot have a strong faith in anything, we want to be your rock that you can build your job board on!

SmartJobBoard is here for you! And we work on making you and your business successful.

This update is not an exception.

Admin Performance Reports

We absolutely agreed when some of you contacted us and asked to add reports system to the software. Truly, you have to know the insights and details to see how your job board is doing. You must have the tools to measure the efficiency and achieve growth.

Did you ever wonder which of your employers perform better: get more job views and applications?

Piece of cake! Now you can track site performance and get all of that info in a most elaborated way in Admin > Reports > Employer Performance section:


Filter by date, Filter by Employer and see who gained more Job views, Applications, Apply clicks for all the jobs they have posted.

In the same manner, you can see which jobs were most popular in Admin> Reports> Jobs Performance. It is very convenient now to see for which jobs and to which companies candidates are applying for:


You might think why on earth would I ever need that info?

Well, this data gives you a clear picture for a smart way to spend your advertising budget. You can see which jobs and employers attract more traffic, get more applications, and market your job board site accordingly.

Share this generated statistics with your employers to give them a helping hand and show them how they are performing on your site.

Not only will you provide generated stat data to existing customers, you will be able to use it to attract new ones. Real cases and reports data will speak more volumes about the potential your site can provide to its’ clients, and transparency values that your business has.

In the long run, collected reports data will be there for you to map out your site performance, and help analyze dynamic of growth or stagnation.

Employer Dashboard

When developing new features, we always remember about the end user.

What is the best way to celebrate those employers who chose you, than by giving them a proof they made the right choice?

There is a new section in Employer account, called Employer Dashboard:


It shows all of the important metrics that companies need to track their performance:

  • job views,
  • applications,
  • apply rates.

They have invested their time and recourses into your site, and now you grant them by giving an ability to see what they get for their money.

Give them this dashboard, and they will always have a reason to come back to your job board and view rates on how they are doing.

Just note, that Employer Dashboard will appear only on those sites, that were updated to the new theme, that supports drag and drop design tool.

P.S. Admin reports system most likely will be popular and more handy for bigger businesses. Besides, reports and constant generation of data take a lot of computing recourses of our servers. That is why admin reports will be offered within Advanced and Unlimited plans only.

Keep an eye on us, as we will come back to you with more tracking features very very soon 🙂


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